Photo of Keir Weimer

Keir Weimer


Keir Weimer is the Founder of the Live Free Lifestyle and Co-Founder of Inspired Recovery, LLC, which is an organization focused on helping inspire, train and equip people to break free from bad habits, indulgences and addictions to truly live free, and create a life on their terms.


What does creating a healthy, freedom-based lifestyle by design mean to me?

By Keir Weimer |

So this week I wanted to talk to you a little bit about what it really means to me to create a healthy freedom-based lifestyle by design.

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The compound effect of good habits over time


The compound effect of good habits over time

By Keir Weimer |

I want to talk to you about the power of the compound effect of good habits over time and what they can do to support your health, your goals, and your growth as a person and a professional. So a lot of study and work on this subject matter.

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When does a bad habit, behavior or addiction become a problem?

By Keir Weimer |

This week I want to talk about a very important topic and it is this: when does a habit, bad habit, a behavior and indulgence or an addiction become a problem. I get a lot of people that ask me this question, and it’s tough because everybody defines us differently, right? When does something actually become a problem? And how I personally define this is this.

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Shift Your Mindset, Change Your Life

By Keir Weimer |

I just took off on vacation in Turks and Caicos. I am down here for a week, respite, a little bit of recharging rejuvenation and really celebrating, you know, all that we’ve been able to do here and accomplish in the last few months during a challenging time.

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What does freedom mean to you?

By Keir Weimer |

What does true freedom mean to you? Does it mean freedom of thought and behavior? Freedom from bad habits and addictions? Does it mean free and able to live life as you choose?

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Why Addiction is a Disease

By Keir Weimer |

A disease is defined as: a particular quality, habit, or disposition regarded as adversely affecting a person or group of people. A disease if not treated properly, often gets progressively worse and more problematic in one’s life. Addiction is a medically-diagnosable disease just like heart disease or liver failure. If left untreated, it too can be deadly.

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Why addictions of all kinds are such a growing problem in our society

By Keir Weimer |

Addiction is a huge problem in society affecting over 25 million Americans and counting every year. It prevents people from living to their full potential, from achieving their goals, from living a healthy and fulfilling lifestyle.

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